
Composer, Sound Artist, Researcher (Buenos Aires, 1953). Musical studies principally with Salvador Ranieri (contemporary composition techniques), Enrique Gerardi and Enrique Belloc (concrete music, electroacoustics and mixed media). He developed an extensive work as Professor in the Audiovision Degree Career at the National University of Lanús (UNLa), as well as at the National University of Tres de Febrero (UNTReF), the University of Belgrano (UB), and the “Julián Aguirre” and “Juan Jose Castro” Conservatories at Buenos Aires Province. In 1993 he attended the Seminar on Computer Generation and Control (through Patchwork and Chant) at IRCAM (Paris) and that same year he worked with Belloc in the implementation of the Electroacoustic Laboratory of the National University of Rosario (UNR). In 2002, invited by the University of La Serena (Chile), he was a resident professor of the lecturer’s improvement courses in electroacoustic music. He’s been a member of various composers’ associations and of the Argentine Federation of Electroacoustic Music (FARME). As an associated composer-researcher to the Musical Research and Production Laboratory (LIPM) of the Recoleta Cultural Center (Buenos Aires) he attended the computer-assisted musical composition courses on CSound software by Maestro Riccardo Bianchini (Conservatory Santa Cecilia, Rome) from 1995 to 1999. In 2000, he participated at the Seminar “Acousmatic Music – from Support to Space” by Francis Dhomont (University of Montreal, Canada) at the Alliance Française in Buenos Aires. He is a founding member of the RedASLA (Latin American Sound Art Network), created in January 2005 at the University of Chile (Santiago) Contemporary Music Festival.
He is a Researcher at the Center for Studies in Music and Technology (CEMyT) of the National University of Rosario (UNR). He also carried out an intense research activity at the UNLa where he was director of the Center for Sound and Audiovisual Studies and Production (CEPSA) between 2013 and 2024; from 2000 to 2014 of the International Acousmatic and Multimedia Festival “Sonoimágenes”; and of the “UNLa Contemporanea – Música y Medios” Festival in 2016.
He directed various Research Projects, mainly at UNLa, focusing on four main Thematic Axes:
1. Controlled Randomness as a Model of Musical Discourse with Instruments and Electroacoustics.
2. Editing and Transformation of Sound in Composition with Electroacoustic Media.
3. Audio Mastering Techniques applied to Electroacoustic Composition.
4. Restoration and Preservation of historical sound and image archives.
He has received various awards and distinctions for his artistic activity, including: The Lifetime Achievement Award in Music (2019) by Argentine Award-Winning Artists ‘Alfonsina Storni’ association; The City of Buenos Aires Composition Prize (1996/97); Ibermúsicas Award (2016) for a composition residency in Morelia, Mexico in 2017; National Rostrum Award for Electroacoustic Music (1994); Mention from the National Rostrum of Composers (1987); Ars Contemporanea Composition Prize (1978).
He composed three works for the INA.GRM, Paris (1993, 1994, 2006), two of them GRM Commissions. He was the keynote speaker at the Sonic Arts Network 2004 (De Montfort University, Leicester, UK) and that same year he gave seminars at London Metropolitan University and London City University. He regularly presents his works at Festivals, Conferences and other national and international events. His writings are published by Cambridge University Press (Organised Sound), UNLa, Universidade de Uberlandia (Brazil), and Ariel Editions (Madrid). His music is released by: the National Fund for the Arts of Argentina, The Argentine Music Council, UNLa, RedASLA, the University of Tennessee (USA), and the Labels IRCO and Viajero Inmóvil Ex]P[rimental (Argentina), Pogus (New York), CMMAS (Mexico) and Elektrons (Stockholm). / Email: